Saturday, May 16, 2009

wowww there universe.

An amateur astronamer named Thierry Legault took this unbelievable photo of the Space Shuttle Atlantis silhouetted by our massive sun.

The shuttle (which is only 37m long and has a 24m wingspan) was traveling
17,500 mph at 350 miles above the Earth's surface -- and Lagault says he only had .8 seconds to get the shot. The sun looms in the background a mere 91 million miles away.

If you don't think ANYTHING is possible, you should just look at this stuff.

Sky is melting

Amazing natural cloud pattern

...and some more unlikely animal friends, because who doesn't love that shit.

Monday, May 4, 2009


i feel like no matter how old i get, Mario will always hold a special place in my heart. i spent many a summer day, playing long sweaty palmed games of Mario 64. Whether its NES or super Nintendo or WII, Mario games always rule-keepin it simple since '81.
i guess others are inspired by him too, and i really kind of want my living room to look like this:

hahah yessss:

push pins:

super fast mario win:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

C'mon Israel n' Palestine!!

i KNOW we can all get along!

and just for fun:

This post was inspired my my friend Chris' new pupy AGGIEEE!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I swear- the way the people talk on FOX news these days. If you don't want kids to die because they are uninsured, then suddenly you are a gay, communist, elitist with no core values.
i know everyone has probably seen this, but it makes me feel good to watch it every six months or so.

*random thought*
self checkout machines are sooo fantastic.
i mean you never have to worry about buying embarrassing stuff again.
like i'm sure its awkward buying a pack of douches. (is there such thing as plural douches? to be honest i still dont know what those things actually are) I thought that was just a word made up to describe Jay Leno.

LIST OF DOUCHE BAGS-feel free to add to this list:
  1. Bill Oreilly
  2. Dane Cook
  3. Katherine Heigl
  4. Sean Hanity
  5. Denzel Washington
  6. Terrence Howard
  7. Eminem
  8. Walmart
  9. Ben Affleck
  10. Vin Deisel
  11. Mark Wahlberg
  12. Mel Gibson
  13. Ellen Page
  14. I would say Brody Jenner, but i cannot lie i like his spirit, same with Bret Michaels
  15. Dakota Fanning
Least Douchey People
  1. Jon Stewart
  2. Tom Hanks
  3. Jason Segel
  4. Leslie Mann
  5. Paul Rudd
  6. Drew Barrymore isnt a douche.
  7. Rachel Weisz
  8. Hugh Laurie
  9. Zooey Deschanel
  10. Jason Bateman
  11. Kermit the frog.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Michael, shamon'

So apparently I'm some kind of idiot, and it didn't occur to me to go to the Michael Jackson auction this weekend. This is the kind of shit i missed out on:

CLICK HERE forMichael Jackson's Auction Photos with funny titles by Paul Scheer

hahah, the picture above is the equivalent of Oj's book "IF I DID IT"

He has a painting by Macauley Culkin from 1991, a replica of batman but with MJ's face, and a shitload of creepy kid related stuff.

Definitely check these out once regular and once high, or more like show all your friends every time you get high with a different group of people-they will love you for showing them!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Maiden Voyage.

So this is my high blog. I'm starting to realize though that the second i get high i really don't want to write, so i just jot everything down in a notebook then i will transfer it to the blog. it seems as though my responsibilities run screaming when i get high. like oh shit she's high, she will not accomplish us to her full potential, lets run to the back of her mind until she can perform at her best. by the way what i mean by responsibilities are like Ebay listings, dropping shit off at the post office, and looking up the latest Judd Apatow project on IMDB.

I think i'll post videos that are fun to watch high, or funny anecdotes i come up with.
i'll just start out with this image, the proverbial champagne bottle to the side of a ship if you will: